Have you heard the saying, “You will never feel truly satisfied by work until you are satisfied by life”? It is very true, as finding a work-life balance between the time spent on a demanding career and personal life is very important. Technology, with boons, also has cursed us with an enormous amount of accessibility. According to a Harvard Business School Survey, a whopping 94 per cent of working professionals reported working more than 50 hours a week and nearly half said they worked more than 65 hours per week.



There is a life that we all have apart from work, a personal life that carries lot of relationships, responsibilities and priorities. Here are some handy tips to help you balance your work and personal life : 


  1. Prioritise 

This is the most important tip to identify what and who is essential in life and draw some essential boundaries to devote quality time to people and activities.

Use some productivity tools like journaling to help you plan what to prioritize in a day. 

Try to focus on little things that consume your effort and time.


  1. Take quality time

No matter, how big or small your position is, you need to take some quality time for yourself. This will help you balance those personal issues well. Try to live in the moment and schedule your time for yourself and your peers. Make a calendar and plan outings and activities within your niche.


  1. Exercise and Meditate

 A balance of mind and physical health is very important when you start working. Work out and meditate to stay positive, this helps in tossing those calendars and stop procrastinating. 

A healthy lifestyle is important to maintain a work-life balance. This pump ‘feel-good’ endorphins in your body and reflects on your work as well. Self-love and care are equally important to stay calm. 


  1. Start Small

Start by small changes in you and your schedule. You can’t achieve all that productivity in a single day. So, make sure, you start by that one task and program. Keeping it simple will help you get motivated. 

You can also treat yourself after every task you complete, this is will ensure that your motivation stays uptight. 


Keeping a check on yourself is highly recommended by many coaches, these small changes will help you in the long run A change a day is healthy and your balance will be peaceful. 

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