Impact of office design on employee productivity

IMPACT OF OFFICE DESIGN ON EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITYThe ergonomics of having a good work environment always strives to be important, however, some people do adapt to working in places that don’t have a nurturing environment.In today’s world, employees do take...

Evolution of Shared Office Spaces

THE EVOLUTION OF SHARED OFFICE SPACES IN INDIAFrom the beginning of time, the traditional use of office spaces in corporate buildings became a habitual dilemma. Now, with the evolution of technology and time, the concept of co-working came into the picture in 1995....

Bending statistics

5 MIND BENDING STATISTICS ABOUT CO-WORKINGOver the past few years, the conceptual idea of co-working just crossed a conservative notion in countries, where co-working was just a nuisance for most companies or MNC’s. Now the co-working industry is on the insane...

Marketing Strategies

MARKETING STRATEGIES THAT CAN HELP YOUR COMPANY GROW!When it comes to marketing your company or website, the competition outside is extensive. Obviously, a lot of these companies want recognition, whether it’s through digital marketing or E-mail marketing....

5 ways to customize your workspace

CUSTOMIZE YOUR OFFICE SPACE IN JUST 5 WAYSOffice spaces built the old, boring traditional way? Here are 5 ways you can use to jazz up your office space to make it more workable and fun.Obviously, the area or floor plan of an office space contributes as an important...