Tips for Janta Curfew – 22nd March 2020


After the outbreak of Coronavirus, Prime Minister, Narendra Modi addressed the nation to talk about the steps taken by the government and civil initiatives that need to be taken to fight coronavirus. 

 PM Modi urged the people to observe a Janta curfew, a self-imposed curfew by the public, for the public. This is dated on 22nd March between 7:00 am to 9:00 pm. There is an assurance by the government to take steps to ensure enough supply of essential goods and there is no need for panic buying. 


Here are a few steps to be taken during the curfew :


  1. It is urged for senior citizens over 65 years to not to step outside their homes in the next few weeks. As old people are prone to the virus and their immune system isn’t that strong as compared to other age groups. They can be kept immunized, sanitized and entertained at home.

  2. It is advised and requested for people to applaud the doctors, sanitary workers, government officials and others who are still at the frontline in these times of epidemic. This is inspired by Italy who applauded their people from balconies after the lockdown of whole country. 

  3. As a sign of participating in the curfew, you need to practice social distancing where you are requested to avoid meeting anyone outside your house. Do not hug, or handshake with anyone to save yourself from the spread of germs. 

  4. Social distancing is deliberately increasing the physical space between people to avoid spreading illness. Staying at least six feet away from other people lessens your chances of catching COVID-19.

  5. People who have been exposed to the new coronavirus and who are at risk for coming down with COVID-19 might practice self-quarantine. Health experts recommend that self-quarantine lasts 14 days. Two weeks provides enough time for them to know whether they will become ill and be contagious to other people.

  6. You can practice self-quarantine even if you are not affected by staying at home, not sharing any towels or utensils, sanitizing whatever you use and maintaining distance from others. You can simply pass your time by Netflixing and chilling at home.


Workshaala wishes you to cooperate during Janta Curfew so that we all can be safe. 

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