When anyone is setting up a business, we have got two choices at hand. One can go the traditional way or can upgrade to coworking space. The perfect fit for you depends on the type of business, approach to your work, goals of your work and the budget you have got to fit in. Nowadays after the working patterns of the main businesses have changed, they have realized that they need to upgrade for better productivity and results. 

Traditional Office Spaces  : 

A traditional working space is solely yours, i.e., for you or your company. Each person is isolated in a cubicle or private space. For setting up one you need to take of every aspect by yourself. This might cost you a lot more than a managed space. 

  1. Traditional offices cost more not just financially but also in the effort you need to put in as you would have to manage and organize all kinds of functioning. From the security to stocking up basic stationery. All the hassle goes from your pocket. 
  2. There is no flexibility when it comes to a conventional lease that is a high upfront cost affair. Once you sign a contract, your team would have to come to solutions that are economically prohibitive and less practical. 
  3. The design is always a compromise here. How much liberty do you have to experiment? Those walls, stubby cubicles and poorly lit spaces are just going to make your employees feel monotonous and their productivity decreases. 
  4. The community that one gets to build in a traditional office is way more boring as people you see, are discouraging on many levels. There can be the same old people and surely seem boring. They have limited to the same industry or just the company. What’s the fun in that? 

Managed Workspaces :

They are special individually tailored workspaces which are either rented by small or parent companies with a set of the team. This concept achieves the flexibility and cost certainty of a serviced office. This also ensures the security and control of a traditional leased approach. These spaces come with basic cabling and necessary furniture.

  1. Managed workspaces render freedom to freelancers and entrepreneurs to work and put up the business just the way they like.
  2. You don’t have to worry about the office and rather, you can utilize the time for your business. A community manager will manage the workspace leaving time for you. 
  3. You can save on the utility bills and extra housekeeping once you pay one fixed amount every month for all services included. 
  4. Networking in a managed space is enhanced when you get to meet people from different backgrounds and walks of life. 
  5. If professionals need more space or even less, these spaces can be customized and flexible according to your needs. 


It is considered that managed workspaces apply to the principles of serviced offices to the traditional models, emulating workspaces. Big parent or high growth companies, that may have unpredictable headcounts and global expansion plans with less internal real estate team, are particularly drawn to this layout.

Now, it is your decision to consider all the points and decide what suits your business.


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